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The COVID-19 Long Haulers are Redefining What We Know About Recovery

Uncategorized Aug 25, 2020

It’s one thing to get COVID-19 but another to not get better! Long term symptoms, delayed recovery. What’s going on? This is something that’s beginning to be actively researched in the scientific community. It’s called Long Covid and people are suffering ‘long’ after the first classic Covid signs like fever or a positive test result. Those individuals who don’t fully recover are calling themselves ‘Long Haulers’. In this weeks Livestream I’m going to cover what we know about post covid recovery, discuss what’s emerging in the literature about long covid and what some innovative social media data analysis reveals. I’ll also be discussing the link with chronic fatigue and mould hypersensitivity.


An Analysis of Self-reported Longcovid Symptoms on Twitter
Shubh Mohan Singh, Chaitanya Reddy
medRxiv 2020.08.14.20175059; doi:

Long-term patient-reported symptoms of COVID-19: an analysis of social media data
Juan M. Banda, Gurdas Viguruji Singh, Osaid Alser, DANIEL PRIETO-ALHAMBRA
medRxiv 2020.07.29.20164418; doi:

Perrin R, Riste L, Hann M, Walther A, Mukherjee A, Heald A. Into the looking glass: Post-viral syndrome post COVID-19 [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 27]. Med Hypotheses. 2020;144:110055. doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2020.110055

Basu, T. (2020). Covid-19 “long haulers” are organizing online to study themselves. Retrieved 23 August 2020, from

Assaf, G., Davis, H., McCorkell, L., Wei, H., O’Neil, B., & Akrami, A. et al. (2020). COVID-19 Prolonged Symptoms Survey - Analysis Report. Retrieved 23 August 2020, from

Tenforde MW, Kim SS, Lindsell CJ, et al. Symptom Duration and Risk Factors for Delayed Return to Usual Health Among Outpatients with COVID-19 in a Multistate Health Care Systems Network — United States, March–June 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:993-998. DOI:

Carfì A, Bernabei R, Landi F, for the Gemelli Against COVID-19 Post-Acute Care Study Group. Persistent Symptoms in Patients After Acute COVID-19. JAMA. 2020;324(6):603–605. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.12603


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