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Victoria's Freedom Day - What Will Happen?

Uncategorized Oct 22, 2021

On the 22nd October 2021, Victoria, Australia begins our own Freedom Day. But is this really freedom? State-wide vaccine mandates are in force and there's a need for vaccine passports to enter retail.

For many, significant restrictions remain. The State is still under a form of medical apartheid. Strict coercion around freedom of choice has forced many to choose vaccination just to re-enter society or keep their job.

The censorship around therapeutic options and facts and figures and open debate have largely been silenced across the mainstream media.

This short Livestream discusses a very recent publication that came out (20th October 2021) on the preprint server, medRxiv.
This paper serves as a warning around the very real risks of transmission among the vaccinated.

Please read it for yourself and consider the results and conclusions.


Evidence of transmission from fully vaccinated individuals in a large outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in Provincetown, Massachusetts

Watch the Livestream:


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